We build and manage container orchestration on Kubernetes. Join forces with our DevOps specialists to become more agile and develop great experiences.
Let's Talk!An agile platform
You need a development platform that offers the flexibility to deploy different web technologies and enables you to respond quickly to the needs of your customer. This will not work with classic infrastructure and manual machine configuration.
Containers are the answer. Containers are lightweight virtual machines that do not emulate a whole machine, but only the basic necessary elements. Containerization lets you do development and ops in the same team: DevOps. It also lets you scale different parts of an application up or down as needed. Unsurprisingly, development is rapidly moving towards containerization and DevOps.
Kubernetes does the job
Kubernetes - Greek for ‘helmsman’ -combines flexibility, speed and the manageability of containers. This allows you to focus on rolling out functionality and let Kubernetes manage spin-up, scaling and other management tasks.
Good cloud container also lets you A/B-test different versions or roll back changes instantly. We have our own Kubernetes platform to help you be more agile and flexible. We have our own Kubernetes environment, which we maintain to the highest standards. This environment is the place where your projects can profit from our technical knowledge, years of experience and high level of service.
Let's build it together
Our services consist of controlled management of cloud containers with Kubernetes and integration with your Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery pipelines for automated container deployment.
Spin up a new instance at the touch of a button. Run a multi-site setup that never lets technical problems on one side affect the other. Test new features with specific user segments. It’s all possible.
We can deliver the full stack but we are also successful in taking on the ‘Ops’ part of your existing ‘Dev’ teams, or vice versa, bringing our driven, open-minded tech culture and generating new energy in your organization.

Explore the possibilities with Lennart van Wijk.